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Black, brown, bitter and sweet – that’s what coffee is all about. The beautiful color of a cup of black coffee, also the brown is mixed between black coffee and condensed milk. All of them create the special flavors of this unique drink and coffee is also the strongest spiritual connection that appears from the corners of the sidewalk to the luxury shops. Coffee appeared in Vietnam in 1857 and became popular all around Vietnam over the time. 

Saigon – a city that always wakes up before dawn. Everyone starts their new day while the sun is still hidden behind the tall buildings. As a habit for many generations, “a cup of coffee” in the morning is an indispensable part of who lives here. In Saigon, coffee They use coffee as an energetic drink in the morning and in different styles. These different styles are the ways people enjoy the coffee or the ways to make coffee such as by a racket or fin, et. All of these things gradually became an old beautiful coffee culture of Saigon – Ho Chi Minh city.  In this Talkie Jolly meeting organized by Saigon Corners, participants explored the 2 most special types of coffee here in Saigon.

“Bet coffee”, no one knows when it originated, it’s simply buying a cup of coffee on the sidewalk, then spreading a small tarpaulin on the ground and sitting down. But somehow it has always been likened to an inseparable cultural feature of Saigon. 

CategoriesOur Blog Talkie Jolly


In any culture, there are always do’s or don’ts, and in a place with a long-standing culture with many customs and rituals… like Vietnam, it is certain that taboos are one of the characteristics of Vietnamese people. This 2nd online event of Talkie Jolly – Tourism English Club with the topic “Taboos” had expressed the quintessence of Vietnamese culture through seemingly simple things but were actually taboos. With the number of participants up to 100 people, the event succeeded in bringing memorable experiences to participants through interesting guest speaking session with games and more importantly, the endless vibrant debate session with prizes up to 1 million VND.

CategoriesOur Blog Talkie Jolly


Talkie Jolly Tourism English Club with the theme “Saigon – The melting pot” on 17th of July 2021 is an online meeting through Zoompro due to Covid 19 which helps participants to understand more about the cultural characteristics of Saigon – Ho Chi Minh City. The specification of the city is covered through the humorous talk of a top professional guide. Many entertainment activities and direct exchanges with students living and studying in New Zealand during the meeting!