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Gánh bánh tráng – Rice paper street vendors

This is typically the most famous street vendor in Saigon. People here not only use rice paper as a cooking ingredient but also eat it as snacks. The most common rice paper snack is Bánh tráng trộn – Mixed rice paper with grated mango, quail eggs, Vietnamese coriander, crispy minced garlic, special shrimp salt, chili oil, kumquat juice, etc. Each street vendor has different ingredients in addition to the above basic one based on their creativity, which makes this dish so special among Saigonese. Prices range from 15.000 vnđ to 30.000 VND. They usually sell by serving, the lowest is 15.000 VND, larger servings add 5.000 VND and so on. 

Locals usually order according to their taste. For example, one less spicy mixed rice paper with no mango and add quail eggs. This is why sometimes prices change based on additional ingredients requested by the customer.

Aside from mixed rice paper, they may also sell rice paper rolls and rice paper dip with sauce.

These street vendors do not have a fixed sell time but they usually start selling from 2 pm in the afternoon to the evening. You can find them anywhere on the street (Saigon Corners recommend the small vendor next to Hoa Sen University). 

CategoriesOur Blog Travel Tips


Always keep your bag in front 

Whether you’re carrying a backpack or a shoulder bag, you’d better keep an eye on your bag all the time. Getting cut in your bag by a razor blade is one of the situations that can happen when you keep your bag unattended.

Cover your expensive jewelry while in the street 

Try not to get much attention to yourself by wearing too much sparkling jewelry. If you must bring your jewelry, you’d better cover it. When going out for a tour or a walk in the street, you can keep your expensive belongings in a safe box in your rooms (most hotels in Vietnam have one).

Street vendors and pickpocket
Street vendors, who are considered a part of street-culture in Vietnam, have impressed many tourists with amazing shots captured by travel bloggers. The fact is that many of them are struggling with their lives, trying hard to get through a day with only a few bucks. However, you should also expect a downside, street vendors in Vietnam, in some cases that can be annoying. If you’re not interested in things they invite you to buy, you can just ignore them. However, many thieves undercover as street vendors create a scenario for pickpockets. Therefore, be careful when street vendors or some strangers approach you and create a confusing situation.

Withdraw money from the ATM.
Withdrawing money from the ATM and exchanging currency are ones of the most common things that tourists do when travelling, but always keep in mind that someone is watching you and maybe they also intent to rob you.
About exchanging currency, you should ask that agency for the exchange rate because some people tend to increase the exchange rate to make them more profitable.

Overcharge Taxi
Meter Taxi normally cruise the street but it is best for you to ask them about the price before hopping on because some meter bar is rigged and the price will go up faster than it usually should. In Ho Chi Minh City, we recommend you to choose these 2 well-known brands: Mai Linh and Vinasun based on convenience and fare. In other cities, we recommend you to choose taxis which have a speedometer called Grab, and they are also one of the easiest ways to travel because they will provide you information about the price, the drivers…
Don’t forget to bargain when buying things in an open-air market
Most products in the market should be bargained down because some of the retailers tend to increase the price for foreign ex-pats. There are quite a few sellers who want to increase the price of their products to make a profit from foreigners, but do not lose the opportunity to buy what you need. You can practice your bargains in the market and the best thing that can happen is that you win the bid and get the item for the best price.

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Vietnam is developing day by day, so along the streets are streets full of vehicles and vehicles. Some vehicles will be waiting for you to cross the road, but you should make sure to get up and go right away. Instant. In order to attract discerning travelers, here – Ho Chi Minh City in terms of transportation, is also diversified to meet the needs of each person. Some common types are as follows:

Photo: Thùy Linh (SGC)

1. Motorbikes

Motorbikes are the most popular means of transportation for people in Vietnam. Moreover, even when traveling to a new land, motorbike is a very popular vehicle to hire.

Motorbikes are cheap; the rental period is extended, go anywhere.

The most important things are the convenience and high flexibility so that many travelers choose for themselves a conventional vehicle is a motorbike.

2. Taxi

Like other tourist cities, the system of taxi firms in Ho Chi Minh City is very diverse. Although traveling by taxi is quite expensive, if traveling in large groups (from 4 to 7 people), taxis will be a reasonable choice for travelers. You will have a driver for yourself, no need to be sleepy to drive. Moreover, it will be suitable for those who do not have a license or drunkenness.

Photo: Internet

3. Cyclo

 They have a long tradition in Vietnam, the tourists just have to wave and pay for just a little price to have a slow ride enjoy without having to go through complicated procedures.

4. Bus

The bus is a reasonable choice for young people or families who want to explore many places in the city center at the most economical cost possible. However, you need to be healthy enough to go to every place on the long way!

Because Vietnam is a developing country, the transportation system still faces many difficulties during traffic hours.

Rush hour: From Monday – Saturday including time frames: From 09h30 – 11h30, 17h00 – 20h00; Sunday: there is no rush hour

Photo: VnExpress
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Ever wonder where you should exchange your money when you go to Saigon? Well, here are tips and some recommended places to exchange your currency while you are traveling to Saigon.

Taken by: Thùy Linh (SGC)

1. Plan in advance for revenues and expenditures

You wouldn’t want to carry total cash with you, both inconvenient and dangerous, because you will become a target for pickpockets. Revenue and expenditure planning to help you estimate the amount of money you carry and use. For example, plan where you will go, how much money you need, expenses for transportation, food, souvenirs, costs incurred. A small note is you should have an exchange in city centers (Saigon, Hai Phong,..) this is more beneficial than exchange in rural areas or small towns.

2. Contact the bank, check account

Before your trip, contact your bank to make sure your account has international payment capability and what the balance is, which will not be redundant. Many people who used to feel secure with their credit cards then have trouble going abroad because their credit cards are locked for many unexpected reasons.

3. Change money and credit card

There are three basic ways to exchange money: exchange cash at a bank before your trip; Use the airport exchange service and use a credit card. Accordingly, your payment will be deducted directly when buying. However, international visitors can save up to 15% by using a credit card.

Some place that you can exchange your money in Ho Chi Minh City

Near Ho Chi Minh Square

You can find Ho Chi Minh Square right in front of Ho Chi Minh City Hall, which takes you around 8 minutes from Ben Thanh Market. Surrounded by several shops, restaurants, and hotels, we will not be surprised by many money changers shops and gold dealers here.


– Hung Long Money Exchange (86 Mac Thi Buoi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Daily 7:00 – 22:00.

–Eximbank Money Exchange 59 (135 Dong Khoi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Daily 7:00 – 22:00.

–Minh Thu (12 Le Loi, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam). Opening hours: Daily 7:00 – 22:00.

–Currency Exchange (109 Ho Tung Mau, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam). Opening hours: 24/24.

 Around Pham Ngu Lao Street

Pham Ngu Lao Street, which is well-known for the name “Backpacker town in Ho Chi Minh City”, in which there is variety of boutique hotels, hostels, bars, diners and coffee shops. Hence, it is not tough when it comes to buy local currency. Here are some bank branches that we hope you like:

– Dong A Bank (187 Pham Ngu Lao, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00.

-Vietcombank (69 Bui Thi Xuan, Pham Ngu Lao, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 – 16:30.

–BIDV (118 – 122 Nguyen Cu Trinh, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 – 17:00.

–Saigon Commercial Bank (242 Cong Quynh, Pham Ngu Lao, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8:00 – 17:00.

-Indovinabank (50 Pham Hong Thai, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 – 16:00.

Tourist area in Ho Chi Minh City


±  Vietcombank Me Linh Square (5 Me Linh Square, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 – 16:30.

±  Vietinbank on Ham Nghi Street (93-95 Ham Nghi, Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 – 17:00.

±  Asia Commercial Bank on Le Loi Street (72 Le Loi, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, HCMC, Vietnam).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:30 – 16:30.

4. Current types of currency in Vietnam

The money denominations circulate domestically:

Polymer money

– 500,000 VND

– 200,000 VND

– 100,000 VND

– 50,000 VND

– 20,000 VND

– 10,000 VND

Paper money

– 5,000 VND

– 2000 VND

– 1000 VND

– 500 VND


Regardless of the country you travel to, the US dollar has a specific effect. Many states accept this currency for trading, so you should bring US dollars with you, but you should also understand the foreign currency conversion before trading.

The exchange rate can be checked via link: 

5. Divide the money into several parts

You should divide the savings for the trip into two parts; one converted into cash, take with you, the rest transferred to the cards that can withdraw some money when abroad. This ensures you do not have to carry too much money, natural danger, and have the necessary preparation plan in unexpected situations.

Besides, you should also bring a credit card (Visa or Mastercard credit) with a relatively stable limit for peace of mind to always have plenty of money on transactions during the trip.